回台工作已三個月了2015101508:39 時間真快,記得七月回台,轉眼間已過了三個月, 也漸漸習慣之前的研發工作模式,上班~加班~下班~睡覺, 看到兒子女兒成長,雖是錢少點/辛苦點,也是值得的。 相關文章 工作VS照顧媽媽 工作上的不愉快! 適應新工作 工作 返回大陸工作^^ 我要留言 annie 於 2015-10-16 21:02 1F Family being together is the most important thing in life. It's great you are back! Being present is always priceless. 版主於 2016-01-27 08:28 回覆 You are right. And Hope will stay longly as I can. Thank you for your encourge. :)
It's great you are back!
Being present is always priceless.
Thank you for your encourge. :)